Generally people think that changes in human behavior is not good as they treat it in a very negative way but, In reality if that change is for you and that is not giving any harm to anyone else then that is totally appreciable and remarkable. Life is very short and we need to achieve many things in this life only, so I believe that if we are not changing ourselves as per the situation and circumstance then we will be like that water which is constant from a long time and doesn't have a single ripple. If we do the gap analysis of what we are and what we want to be, then we can easily find that there is huge gap between that but, we can fill that gap with our behavioral changes. So change in behavior is the process to move yourself from who you are to who you want to be.
Change is required not only in the case of advancement in you but, sometimes it happens that we cannot change few uncontrollable crucial situation, so in that state of affairs it is attentive to change your attitude rather than dealing with sorrow and grief. On daily basis we have to handle a lot of stress in professional as well as in our personal life so it is better change your attitude, behavior and thinking to get rid off that hassle. As it is true that destiny will guide our life but 90% things are in our hand which can make us better and happy in every manner.
In adverse situation sometimes we face many kinds of people who try to demoralize you and dominate you because they think that you will not stand in front of them. In that case we should adopt “Get Strong” mantra to prove ourselves better than them. We will have to keep our spirit alive and never change ourselves for the sake of others because we should never stake our dignity for others. So in nutshell change yourself only when you actually want to change
As it is said
that “The morning is when you wake up”. So It is never too late if you
think that it has been delayed and now you cannot change your way and attitude
then it’s 100% wrong because every ending has a new starting point, you can
continue from any place. Every time God gives us new chance to start our life to
make that sweet and palatable.